Monday, October 30, 2006

F week: Monday

Last night as I was preparing for preschool I was thinking, Man, this is a lot of work. Why did I get myself into this? But after the hour or so of preparation (for the next 3 weeks) I was done and ready for a fun week of learning with my boy.

Today was so much fun. We had fun going to Starfall again and checking the weather and doing our charts again. At Starfall we checked the Sign Language "book" (in the ABC's page at the bottom left) and it was great! It shows each letter and a cartoon girl shows how to make each letter while saying the sound. So, now we'll add learning the ASL sign for each letter to our weekly agenda. Connor already knows F.

We read a book about feelings today and talked about when we experience different feelings. Connor talked about how playing with his toys makes him feel happy. And he said he's not scared of anything. He feels sad when he misses Daddy or Nanajan. And he's excited for Halloween. I think it's good to learn to talk about our feelings. To recognize them and to realize that we can have some control over them. I really enjoyed snuggling up on the couch with Connor and reading and talking today. I've missed that.

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