Thursday, January 11, 2007

L week: Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday


We listened to our Spanish CD on the way to class and learned some new Spanish words and songs in Spanish class. Connor was very shy again and barely opened his mouth the whole hour. But he must have been listening well because when we got home and I started singing the songs we'd learned, he joined right in. Good listening, Connor!


We read a couple of books with lots of L words in them. For our lesson, we learned a new Primary song. Now that Connor is in Primary on Sundays at Church, he needs to be learning the songs. I think I'll try to teach him a Primary song that goes with our Gospel lesson each Wednesday. We learned "Jesus Said Love Everyone." Simple, easy to learn, and a great message. Connor picked it up after hearing it once.


After computer and chart time, we did our movement activity. We marched (left, left, left right left) and just walked paying attention to which foot was moving. And then I gave some simple commands to see if Connor knew left and right. He really has it down! I think it must come from when we're driving. If I'm telling him to look at something out the window, I always tell him which side it's on, either left or right.

We also did a triathlon of errands today: Michael's craft store, Costco (lunch & shopping), and Stop & Shop. By the time we got to Stop & Shop the kids were tired of shopping, and sleepy. On the way into the store I told Connor we'd get some lollypops and Abigail could try her first lollypop. I knew it was a sticky proposition, but that it would help them be happy. Connor said, "That's good mom to have lollypops for L week!" I had totally forgotten that lollypop was one of our words this week. Perfect!

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